Personal Growth
Creating an environment for the free exchange of ideas, knowledge, skills, and wisdom is at the heart of Operation Wisdom Swap. We strive to inspire the youth of today to find their passion and grow their skills in all areas of life. Whether you want to have your own business, become more self-reliant, gain more confidence, or spend time in our community, everyone is welcome to come and learn.
Work Experience
Youth are matched with experienced mentors who have proven skills. Some life critical skills are difficult to learn online or even in a classroom. OWS fills that gap through hands on, performance-based learning with a mentor. This ensures that wisdom from today and yesterday passes to future generations.
The Beginning of Wisdom is Humility
We will combine youth and senior citizens into mentoring groups in a ratio of 2:6. With two senior mentors, there will be up to six youth mentees. The mentors will share skills and knowledge that have become a natural extension of themselves over years of life. The relationship will last for six months and have weekly meetings after school.
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